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Day 2

DAY 2: Thursday, 9 NOVEMBER 2023
09:00 – 10:00 Agri-Business: Unleashing Innovation and Unlocking Growth

Africa has enormous potential to feed its own population and the world. However, unlocking the full potential of African agribusiness requires investment in infrastructure, innovation, and value chain development. This panel will explore opportunities for investment in agribusiness, including value-added processing, logistics, and technology. The panellists will discuss ways to build resilient and sustainable supply chains that create jobs and promote inclusive growth.


  • Gagan Gupta, CEO, ARISE IIP
  • Dr. Adeel Malik, Professor Development Economics, University of Oxford


  • Raissa Okoi, Journalist and senior TV Anchor
10:00 – 11:00 Made in Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Domestic Manufacturing

Domestic manufacturing is a critical component of economic transformation and job creation in Africa. With the continent's population projected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, there is a growing need for local manufacturing to meet the demand for goods and services and reduce reliance on imports. This panel will explore the role of domestic manufacturing in African markets and its potential to drive economic growth, value addition, and job creation.


  • Gilles Vaes, CEO, InfraCo Africa
  • Mia Lahlou Filali, CEO, Pharma 5
  • Valerie Labi, CEO, Wahul
  • Amer Benouda, International Vice President, Aba Technology
  • Faruk Saleh, CEO, Metro Capital Advisory Group


  • David Pilling, Africa Editor, Financial Times
11:00 – 11:30 Networking Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:10 Sports as a Business Catalyst

Sports is a rapidly growing industry in Africa, with tremendous potential to create jobs, promote health and well-being, and foster social inclusion. According to PwC, the industry was valued at $7 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach $12 billion by 2027. Investment, however, is lagging, with just 1% of financing for African start-ups going to sports-related companies despite much excitement about the sector. This session will explore opportunities for investment in sports infrastructure, including stadiums, training facilities, and sports academies. The session will discuss ways to promote youth development through sports and to leverage sports as a tool for social change. The integrative role of sports in tourism and the hospitality business as well as sports-related investment to drive economic growth will also be discussed.

Fireside Chat:

  • Herbert Mensah, President of Rugby Africa


  • Dr. Victor Oladokun, Senior Advisor to the President for Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, African Development Bank Group
12:10 – 14:20 Networking Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Investment Spotlight

Waste To Wealth:

  • Dotun Popoola, Artist, Popoola Studio
15:30 – 15:55 Regional Corridors: Quest to Integrate Africa

Regional Corridors are critical to much-needed coordinated infrastructure development initiatives, and for establishing industrial clusters, attracting much-needed investment and spearheading socio-economic development and progress. The purpose of this session is to fast-track the implementation of these transformational regional corridor projects by sharing experience and innovative ideas among development partners, and public and private sector investors. Our collective approach is designed to attract investors to economically sustainable projects in areas with exponential growth potential.

Scene Setting:

  • Ms. Esther Awoniyi, Senior Business Anchor, CNBC Africa

Opening Remarks:

  • Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank Group

Keynote Speech:

  • Ms. K. Danae Pauli, Senior Advisor, Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), U.S. Department of State
15:55 – 16:40 A deep-dive panel discussion of the Regional Corridors


  • H.E. Frank M. Tayali, Minister of Transport and Logistics, Zambia (TBC)
  • H.E. Dieudonne Dukundane, Minister of Infrastructure, Burundi
  • Mr. Ivan Marques Santos, Secretary of State for the Economy, Angola
  • H.E. Peter Mathuki, Secretary General, East African Community (EAC)
  • Dr. Mohamed Kadah, Assistant Secretary General, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
  • Mr. Sédiko Douka, Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalisation, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  • Mr. Sergio Oliete Josa, Head of Unit - Sustainable Transport and Urban Development, European Commission
  • Mr. Mehdi Tazi Riffi, CEO, Tanger Med Special Agency (TMSA), Morocco
  • Mr. Philippe Labonne, CEO, AGL Group (Africa Global Logistics)


  • Ms. Esther Awoniyi, Senior Business Anchor, CNBC Africa
16:40 – 16:55 Q&A
16:55 – 17:00 Closing Remarks:
  • Ms. Esther Awoniyi, Senior Business Anchor, CNBC Africa